What does a session look like?
Before the call...Communion is taken before each session. It is Jesus Christ and the Father and Holy Spirit that is fully relied upon for your benefit. We start with prayer and then if the Spirit leads we go into prophecy. I then let you talk. Sometimes you just need to talk in order to sort out your thoughts ( which is therapy itself) and this gives me information as to where you are at in your life. Often Holy Spirit will give me words while your speaking. I may give you counsel then and advise you on various things. Then finally we go into deep intercession prayer and that is when I am hearing the Lord for you directly. No one is on camera for my posture is low to the ground on the floor in humility before the Lord for you. If possible I offer you to do likewise. Tissue near by is a good idea, as often the Lord wants to sooth and heal your wounds and heal your soul and give you encouragement into your future destiny with Him. That is a general idea of what each session looks like. If it is DNA Cleansing, repentance is done, this may be in any of the sessions you choose. Courts are the same, asking for justice for the Father to work in on a specific situation in your life. Many book 1 or 2 times a week. 2 times a month, or once a month. Or once in a while. Sometimes that is just when the need arrises. I want to be here for you. Even if you are not walking with Jesus at this time and are searching for something and you do not know what. Or if you are feeling blocked and you can't identify what that is that is holding you back. |